Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Here are some more poems I have written.  Hope you all enjoy them.  :)
"To Town"(C) 10-9-2007
 Into our car and 
down our driveway we go.
Dad asks us "which way
shall we go to town?
Marshmellow way or twisty turny way?"
We laugh and choose our way.
We go the marshmellow way.
Off of our road and onto the next.
We pass our "marshmellows". 
They really are straw bales in a
white plastic type bag to cover them.
We pass them and continue to town.
What a fun trip to town.
"Clouds"(C) 10-9-2007
Watching the clouds
as they float on by.
One looks like a cat
looking back at it's tail.
While three others look like angels.
One standing, one sitting and the last kneeling.
So neat they are.
Then they float on
and change shapes.
Another looks like a wolf
howling at the moon.
And one looks like
a husky's head.
While another looks
like a cop directing traffic.  
And one looks like a man sitting on the ground.
So neat the clouds are.
And again they float on by.
And change shapes once more.
Clouds cover the sky
in a grayish color.
Sun's trying to poke through,
but having no luck.  
Birds chirping and fly around.
Ducks fly above in a "V".
Leaves are changing colors
and falling off the trees
to the ground below.
Look to the mountains
and see a hazy fog.
The temperature's still warm.
Unusually warm for October.
Butterflies and bees are still around.
Even flies are hanging around too.
It's so peaceful and quiet.
Hardly any sounds are to be heard.
"He is Grumpy"(C)3-23-2008
Hiss, hiss.
Growl, growl.
Slap, slap.
That is the sounds 
that come from my cat.
Slap, slap is from him
hitting my shoes with his paws.
He is grumpy and mad.
Why? I'm not  quite sure.
But hiss, hiss.
growl, growl.
Meow, meow.
That is the sounds
that come from my cat.
All through our walk,
through the yard.
I can't get too close to him.
He sure is grumpy today.
 Hope you all liked my poems.  :)

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