Let's see..what happened the last few days since I last wrote. Well, re-reading my old entry..it was from the 10th. So only four days has passed. So not much has happened. I was re-reading another one of my old journals. I saw how I wrote about stuff, but not in detail or even write a person's name if I was talking about someone. Like now I will write who I got what gifts from and if I am mad at someone, I write who it is and why. But back then, I was pretty basic. So even if I wrote about things and can go revisit the past through the journals, it still isn't completely there. But you know what..that's fine. I should really move on and leave past where it's just that..the past. Why bring up old things and bring up who I used to be. I came along way. Although, a few things I seem like I haven't changed and would really like to change. But for the most part, I do believe I am a better person. Anyway...enough with that.
I don't see the big deal with Valentine's Day. I mean people seem to make a big deal out of it and spend way too much money on their other. They just go crazy with the flowers, cards and gifts. And maybe it's because I am single and am well..alittle lonely and feel like I'm not loved on this day and don't get any gifts. Or even cards for that matter. I mean I know Valentine's Day isn't just for the couples, but for everyone to let everyone they care about know how much they are loved and how much they mean to them. Also I don't see why people make a big deal out of this one day. I mean people should get little gifts or cards everyday. Or even if they don't get cards and gifts, people should be reminded EVERYDAY that they are loved and cared for. Not just one day of the year. Oh, well. Maybe it's just me.
I also been reading some blogs by this one girl on here and some of them are really good. I'm not saying any are bad, but some are really good and stand out. And they make me stop and think. Think about how I have been and acted in the past and how I am acting today. Also how I want to be in the future to come. I mean I can't really think much about the future right now, because nothing is guaranteed. I mean you can say you will do something, but only God knows what will happen and if what you will do, will happen. So I must just think about now..the present. And live for today. Also I was reading some stuff which is good and something I want to practice and become much better at it. Be happy with who I am and not try to be someone I'm not. I know I am not perfect and will never be. Also if God loves me with exactly who I am, well then why can't I be happy with who I am. So I want to try and work on this. I don't want to be perfect, because I know it will never happen, but I want to try my best every day. Be the best person..the best Christian I can be. And a person other people will like and God will be proud of. So I must work on this alittle everyday. Also learn to like myself, for who I am and be happy with who I am and be happy with how I look too. There were more stuff that was good and I liked, but can't remember it all now. But yeah..this was most of what is good and important to me.
I have worked the last five days and while yeah, it's been five days in a row, and it's been steady with people buying Valentine's stuff and I am not a fan of this holiday, it really hasn't been too busy. Yeah, like I said it's been steady, but not too bad. And I am so ready for a day off. I am off tomorrow and I cannot wait!!
Today is Valentine's Day..and I bought it myself, but from Jasper I got a Valentine's card. And Reese's Pieces(my parents really bought them, but said they were from my cat. ) And from my parents I got a pack of 4 pens. They write the color ink of the barrell they are in. So there is a blue, pink, purple and green.) :) They are really neat. So overall, so far this Valentine's Day really hasn't been too bad.
Well, guess that is all for now.
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